Gateways of the Dragon

Shaman’s Flame Workshop Series

Gateways of the Dragon

As we navigate our inner and outer lives today in a world filled with change, joys and struggles, we may frequently face obstacles that prevent access to a more evolved, compassionate and richer existence. Perhaps we are willing to look at the problems of the world and lay the blame at other’s feet, but not ready to examine our own internal shadowy troublemakers. The pressurized times we live in require great attention to the personal and the collective. Conceivably with grace from beyond ourselves and our own devotion to awareness, we can and will make surprising leaps in consciousness to transcend our own limitations – both as individuals and as a species. That is the starting point for our work with Dragon.

Compassionate Dragon spirit will lead us through shadow healing and expansive classic shamanic power experiences that include multi-dimensional awareness development and practice. Theta/Delta journeys are a major focus as we explore an expanded shamanic cosmology that incorporates psychological healing, consciousness evolution, and the delving into a spiritual journey through the nature of the cosmos. Dragon will assist your explicit entry into non-linear insight while helping you to remain grounded and empowered.

There are two overall themes explored in this workshop:

  • Dealing with psychological blocks by working with the compassionate Dragon spirit, and the examination of shadow aspects of ourselves. With Dragon’s help, unexpected accelerated strides in transformational spiritual healing can come about.
  • Exploring the boundaries of Theta and Delta states of consciousness and becoming adept at accessing extraordinary awareness. Working with Dragon to learn to bi-locate in non-ordinary reality, potentially leading to a multi-dimensional perception and a richness of experience that can be carried into every day life.

These chinese-dragon-red two themes are interwoven into a powerful, metamorphic teaching with a very strong emphasis on each participant’s experience, healing, integration, and empowerment. The resulting explorations enlarge and expand upon core shamanic cosmology, incorporating the most recent understandings of the nature of reality and our place in it.

Prerequisite: Strong and easy shamanic journey skills in the Upper and Lower Worlds.

Selected comments from past participants:

This is an advanced course in shamanism. Practice journeying to the Lower and Upper worlds before taking this course. It is very rewarding. Thank you.

This workshop has been a re-connection to shamanic practice. I found it a bit overwhelming but not off-putting. It has opened doors that need exploring and practice. I’m encouraged.

Come back! Truly enjoyed the experiences – will work with my dragon daily.

I learned quite a lot this weekend. I can’t wait to explore it further.

Totally enjoyed – will continue to use to add to personal journeying experience. Information and mode of presentation was excellent. Thank you.

It seems that learning how theta journeying works/feels deepened my regular journeying in addition to the theta journeys being fantastic in their own way.

This workshop was a powerful way to explore my nature and seek/find new knowledge, new tools, and new healings.

Great weekend – a whole new journey for me in working with Dragon – lots of fun and very interesting!

This workshop seems like the beginning of what could a series of workshops with ‘Dragon as healer.’ I would like to continue this work with Peter Clark. A very wise and powerful shamanic experience! Thank you!

I appreciated all the originality and creativity that went into this workshop. I admire what you created here and the passion with which you shared your enthusiasm. There is a great deal to integrate and metabolize after this experience. Thank you!

Loved evey moment. Thank you!

This workshop showed me parts of myself that were hidden or repressed. It brought so much out – was great!

I love the way you weave together all the information and work. You put together a framework/structure to help give fuller understanding and powerful results.

Overall, this was powerful work and a vibrant circle!

I feel like I am forever changed by the experiences and lessons from this workshop. It healed me in ways I never thought possible. It opened me up to experience and view this universe and all other realms in ways that expanded my conscousness and multi-dimensionality beyond anything I dreamed of, and empowered me in ways I am forever grateful for. Thank you.

As always, transformative and healing!

Unique opportunity to embrace the vastness of all we are and our potential to continually heal and expand.

Great workshop that brings you to a new and deeper level of working with Dragon and compassionate spirits.

I loved this workshop and the way Peter took us on a weekend ride with Dragon seeding my mind and heart with all the potential available to grow and heal and expand. Peter’s energy is contagious and inspiring.

This workshop was my most enjoyed. I’ve taken two others with you Peter and this one felt the fullest and most insightful. Perhaps I was just ready to integrate all that was offered, but you are a great teacher and a joy to be with – love your acceptance of so many different ‘voices’ and their needs. Well worth a weekend spent together. Thank you! I so much more enjoyed this workshop than I had expected. I learned so much that ignited me to further explore my gateway to working with my beautiful and compassionate Dragon!

Best workshop I’ve ever taken.

I feel this is one of the most powerful workshops I have taken. Although it’s intense, I learned so much and gained so many things. It was truly amazing.