Dragon’s Cave August 2024

Dragon’s Cave August 2024

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” – Carl Jung in Memories, Dreams, Reflections

“We are so captivated by and entangled in our subjective consciousness that we have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions.” – Carl Jung in The Symbolic Life

In a deep shamanic exploration of self awareness, meet the spirit of Dragon, the great transformer of obstacles and consciousness. As a timeless and universal archetype, Dragon plays the role of prime shifter of our psycho-spiritual projections. In this workshop you will journey with Dragon to dispel illusions of the ego and heal hidden wounds of the mind and heart. Traveling in the compassionate spirit worlds into the Dragon’s Cave and the Castle of the Psyche, you will have the opportunity to come face to face with your essential self – that aspect that embodies your spirit without the overlay of ego. This provides the basis of the next phase of your physical, mental, and emotional existence.

Prerequisite: Shamanic journey experience. Please note workshop policies here regarding cancellation and refunds.

“The ancient Zoroastrians and magi who started a tradition of chivalry more than 7,000 years ago used fire as a symbol representing the One Light, the Truth, and the Will to Goodness or “Nobility” that is inherent in the fabric of every soul. They knew Dragons and the fire elementals as living conscious beings who represented primarily Truth and Annihilation. Annihilation of what you ask? Of the false ego, the false self concept that is limiting the current possibilities of what you can become. The obstacle between us and what we are becoming is physical death. The dragon reminds one that ultimately what remains after an encounter with one of their kind is what spirit wills, that which is eternal.”

Selected comments from past participants:

I really enjoyed all the journeys. The circle was really safe. It was really easy to share. I felt understood and accepted.

Come back again to share your gifts of knowing. It has been my honor to be in your presence. You too, are shifting – it looks Real and Beautiful.

Thank you so much for facilitating this workshop. I loved it. Looking forward to your next visit.

Excellent workshop, lots of feedback, great group of participants. Peter’s explanations were very clear.

All in all, I have found the experience very rewarding on all levels… I feel I will now be more at ease with all that is being given by all the great masters. It gave me confidence to go on… I feel blessed by this workshop.

Thank you Peter. Well done – much healing and greater understanding.

Thank you for an excellent experience. The days with you and the participants in the circle were enriching.

Would highly recommend.

As usual the weekend has been a wonderful experience and extremely revealing to me and my soul self!

I would take this class again, there is so much content. Thank you!

I loved this in many ways – especially how it expands upon the possibilities of shamanic work. Great stuff – just what I think I needed at this time – the spirits know!

Excellent workshop on every level, went to profound places. I always look forward to the next workshop with Peter.

The way into Psyche and Ego can be uncomfortable, awkward, and uncertain. In this workshop each one in this strong circle seemed to receive the dosage of bitterness that is medicinal, and yet naturally emerged with buoyancy, light heartedness, and sweetness. We went in and out, back and forth with progressive accumulations of healings, gifts, understanding and spirit power. This work is great, well organized and presented.

This workshop fit in perfectly with the flow of my greater journey of personal work. A fabulous complement to Pathwork, Brennan work and other modalities of therapeutic healing. I gained deep, useful insight into things going on in my life now, as well as valuable tools I can come back to again and again. Thank you!

In two days there were so many revelations, healing moments, and food for thought and practice for future journeys. Peter is a wonderful and warm teacher.

Intense workshop – participants must be ready to process … . Excellent job facilitating, and a good balance of activities. Great group and camaraderie.

Awesome class. Educational, experiential, awakening.

Everything came together as an integrative whole so beautifully. It all worked together so synergistically in a way that was both simple and profoundly complex. What a wonderful experience to be a part of – I loved it all!

This workshop helped me heal so many areas I didn’t know I needed to heal and answered so many questions I didn’t know I had in a way that was proudly simple and powerful at the same time. The flow of the days was perfect. I felt challenged in ways that empowered me in my growth and forward movement. I felt so much stagnation begin to flow again in the most beautiful ways. I’m so grateful I felt called to be a part of this.

Peter’s work is very transformational! The Dragon’s Cave is another favorite workshop. I highly recommend this to anyone who needs to get deeper and really visit wonderful places.

Beautiful process, learned a lot – revealing there is even more to learn (as always smiley)! Thank you!

There is so much to work with in this workshop! I will be making many more journeys to delve even deeper. This was absolutely wonderful! Imagine if everyone met their Dragon, and worked with the elements of this workshop to heal themselves – the world would be a much more compassionate place. smiley

Thank you. As always, I have grown leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

  • Date : August 17, 2024 - August 18, 2024
  • Time : 9:00 am - 6:00 pm (UTC+0)

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