Dragon’s Cave August 2024

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” – Carl Jung in Memories, Dreams, Reflections
“We are so captivated by and entangled in our subjective consciousness that we have forgotten the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions.” – Carl Jung in The Symbolic Life
In a deep shamanic exploration of self awareness, meet the spirit of Dragon, the great transformer of obstacles and consciousness. As a timeless and universal archetype, Dragon plays the role of prime shifter of our psycho-spiritual projections. In this workshop you will journey with Dragon to dispel illusions of the ego and heal hidden wounds of the mind and heart. Traveling in the compassionate spirit worlds into the Dragon’s Cave and the Castle of the Psyche, you will have the opportunity to come face to face with your essential self – that aspect that embodies your spirit without the overlay of ego. This provides the basis of the next phase of your physical, mental, and emotional existence.
Prerequisite: Shamanic journey experience. Please note workshop policies here regarding cancellation and refunds.
“The ancient Zoroastrians and magi who started a tradition of chivalry more than 7,000 years ago used fire as a symbol representing the One Light, the Truth, and the Will to Goodness or “Nobility” that is inherent in the fabric of every soul. They knew Dragons and the fire elementals as living conscious beings who represented primarily Truth and Annihilation. Annihilation of what you ask? Of the false ego, the false self concept that is limiting the current possibilities of what you can become. The obstacle between us and what we are becoming is physical death. The dragon reminds one that ultimately what remains after an encounter with one of their kind is what spirit wills, that which is eternal.”