Extraction Healing

Extraction Healing

When fracturing of a person’s spirit self occurs and soul parts leave, there are openings in the spirit body. These non-ordinary spaces can collect energies – thoughtforms, stories, emotions, feelings, elementals, even soul parts from others. Such intruding energies can lead to physical, emotional and mental disease, not because these energies are particularly “bad” but rather because they do not belong within us. On the physical plane, even a small wood splinter from a dock in a person’s foot can be quite painful and need to be removed.

In the extraction healing process, the shamanic healer, with the assistance of one or more helping spirits, scans and removes these energetic intrusions from the client’s spirit body. The removal is done in a careful and compassionate way, and the helping spirit ensures that the intrusions get back to where they belong. Often, an empowerment of compassionate boundaries is included as part of the healing session. In every session, the helping spirit gives the client an infusion of healing power.