Source Gazing

Shaman’s Flame Workshop Series

Source Gazing: Soul, Soul Group, and Beyond

This 3 day workshop is an investigation of Source and the nature of our Souls. With the assistance of our helping spirits, we look into the starting point of creation, seeking to know something more about intention, appreciation, and manifestation. And we look through Source into the depths of reality, gazing at different aspects of all that is, including ourselves. Using the unique Source Gazing technique, the focus of our experiences will go from the broad cosmological to the very personal question of Soul.

Through this Great Mystery Source Lens, classic shamanic divination is practiced in a self reflective way beyond the bounds of a lifetime. We begin to study what our Souls are and the context of Their evolution both in and out of physical embodiment.

Selected comments from past participants:

Thoroughly enjoyed this workshop. Have to say a favorite one. Thanks!

I loved watching my Soul Teacher weave a web for our review and learning about the new field of possibility for seeing/knowing my soul.

This workshop certainly opened new frontiers in my Upper and Lower World geographies. And made relevant journeys I knew I could take before, but did not. ‘Gazing’ in this context is not at all voyeuristic or trivial, rather deeply informed by wisdom and compassion – intentionally seeking knowledge and experiences crucial for our soul’s evolution.

This is a great workshop for deep personal discovery and how that relates to the larger experience.

Thank you! The Life Choice Source Gazing allowed me to confidently move forward on a major decision with clarity.

I really liked Source Gazing a future decision – made the context very applicable.

I enjoyed Peter’s teachings and the wealth of knowledge he brings to the circle. Thank you.

I feel as though I will use source gazing frequently. There was a lot to absorb and as always time is needed to reflect and absorb. Lots of exposure to lots of possibilities.

It was so well organized. The sequence was fantastic.

This work helped me to better understand my purpose here, and why I chose this life and these lessons. It was amazing to learn more about where my soul came from and the group it was connected to.

Come back!!! More, more, more!!! Appreciate learning techniques without borders/restrictions.

I loved everything we did in the workshop and I’m happy with the pace for a 3 day workshop… I thought it was all amazing…

I just loved being in this workshop. I was able to ‘see’ so many answers to questions I’ve had. Some of the why’s in my life have beeen explained.

Great insights and understanding of this work. Interesting, informative, and just plain WILD. Loved it!